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New Group Adopts Garden Spot

Joanne Winer

June 8th, 2005

One of the most pleasant aspects of Celia’s Rainbow Gardens is when a new group of people get involved with the project. Over the years, many groups have come out to Gardens and picked areas that they wanted to landscape and add to the Gardens.

Last Tuesday, I met with Queen Bee Shirley and two of her Red Hat Q-Teas ladies.

This group has been going strong for a short time, but have been having a lot of fun in the process.

They now have almost 80 members! They had heard about the Gardens and some of the ladies had been out to see what it was that was being done out there.

I was asked to meet them as they had decided that their group would like to be involved in the project by adopting an area and landscaping it.

After walking all around the trails, they chose an area that is at the west end of the Chapel Trail, near to the wildlife pond in the pet remembrance area. They are planning to have several work sessions when everyone is back in the fall and get the area cleaned up and planted the way they want.

They had some wonderful ideas already by the time we walked back to the parking area.

Celia’s Rainbow Gardens has really become a community effort, and we would like to thank all the different groups and individuals who have contributed to its growth.

Several RV Parks have now landscaped areas also, and it is hoped that more will soon join us. Other groups have also shown great interest, and they are more than welcome to join in.

The Red Hat Q-Teas will also be a wonderful addition to the Gardens, and we thank them for wishing to become a part of it.